William (Bill) Moran

Kevin-McKenzieAdministrative Officer
Kevin McKenzie

1st Vice Commander
Bud Bennett

Wendy-Griffioen2nd Vice Commander
Wendy J Griffioen

Finance Officer
Steve Brockway

Ron-OmanExecutive Committee
Ron Oman

Ray-ChavreeExecutive Committee
Ray Chavaree

Committee Assignments For 2023 – 2024

Effective 5 August 2023

  • Internal Affairs – Russ DeStefano* seaduty@hotmail.com
  • Judge Advocate – Thomas Carpenter tcarpenter@carrallison.com
  • Constitution, By-Laws, and SROs – Ron Oman* ron55336@yahoo.com
  • Administrative Officer, Historian – Kevin McKenzie jkmckenzie@comcast.net
  • Finance – Jerry Woods, Chairman, jerry.woods@outlook.com  Steve Brockway, Dale Barnes, Eugene Tolston, Charles Owenby
  • Emergency Funds – Wendy Griffioen, Chairman, wjgriffioen1960@gmail.com
    Members Ray Chavree, Charmain Woods
  • Public Relations – Co-Chairman, Kevin McKenzie & Bill Moran commander@lbmspost1995.org
  • Chaplain – Richard Gillman* rich.gillman@gmail.com
  • Wreaths Across America – Wendy Griffioen wjgriffioen1960@gmail.com And Wendy Griffioen
  • Law Enforcement and Firefighter Awards – Chairman Woods*  jerryandcharmain@yahoo.com
  • Honorary Life Membership – Jerry Larson jerryj.larson@yahoo.com
  • Membership – Bud Bennett 1990rosebud14@gmail.com
  • Nominating Committee – Chairman Woods, Chairman, jerryandcharmain@yahoo.com
    Members Richard Gillman, Bud Bennett, James (Charlie) Brown, Rik Dew, Harvey Bryand
  •  Legion Rider Liaison – Jerry Woods – jerry.wood@outlook.com
  • Americanism, Color Guard, Cemetery Registration, Funeral Memorial Liaison – Ron Oman* ron55336@yahoo.com
  • Poppy Distribution – Charles Martinek* charlesmartinek66@gmail.com
  • Liaison to Boys Scouts, Troop 321 – Kevin McKenzie jkmckenzie@comcast.net
  • Americanism – Boys State, School Awards, Educator of the Year – Ray Chavaree* chavareer@gmail.com
  • Sgt-at-Arms – Mike J Griffioenmjgriffioen@bellsouth.net
  • Liaison to Auxiliary Unit 1995 – Charmain Woods jerryandcharmain@yahoo.com
  • Poppy Distribution – Charles Martinek* charlesmartinek66@gmail.com
  • Liaison to SAL – Rick Chaffey rick_1070@yahoo.com

NOTE: If unable to reach any member on this list, please send an email to commander@lbmspost1995.org leave your name, phone number, and a brief message and I will ensure your call is answered.
*Chairman of the committee will appoint their committee members
