Delagation R&R at State Convention
Delegates from Post 1995 to 104th American Legion Department Of Mississippi Convention. l-r Ray Chavaree , Charles Martinek, Kevin McKenzie, Charmain Woods, Mike Griffioen, Wendy Griffioen.
Award Long Beach High School’s Valedictorian, and Salutatorian
On May 17, 2023, American Legion Post 1995, Long Beach, recognized, and awarded Long Beach High School’s Valedictorian, and Salutatorian for the class of 2023. Valedictorian-Jillian Navi Larosa, and Salutatorian-Lenwood Stokley Sawyer IV were recognized for receiving the highest, and second highest academic ranking in their graduating class. American Legion Post 1995 awarded each recipient a medal for their achievement, a certificate of achievement, and a check as a token of their recognition. Congratulation Jillian, and Stokley!
Poppy distribution at the Pass Christian Walmart.
Poppy distribution at the Pass Christian Walmart.
Thursday evening is devoted as ‘Legion Night’. It is an opportunity for American Legion sponsors to meet with their Delegates for dinner, and visit some of the activities that the boys are involved in.
Boys State Court-System
One of the subjects available to the Delegates is an introduction the Court system. Here we see a witness being questioned at the MockTrial being conducted by some of the Delegates.
Boys State Oxford
Representatives from Post 1995 visited Boys State which was held on the campus of the University Of Mississippi in Oxford. Pictured L-R is Chairman Ray Chavaree, Delegate Gage Stevison-Trapani, Delegate Trevor Terrell, Adjutant Kevin McKenzie, Delegate Michael McKay.
Boys State Oxford
Representative from Post 1995 visited Boys State which was held on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford. Pictured L-R is Delegate Jared Smith, Chairman Ray Chavaree, Delegate Luke Dulaney.
